The JJ Mack Building
London EC1 | Office with ancillary retail

The JJ Mack Building

The JJ Mack Building is not only Helical’s smartest and most sustainable building to date but is truly market leading, right at the forefront of what is possible both in terms of sustainable performance and occupier experience.

The JJ Mack Building is an example of the very best in sustainability, wellness and smart building features. Both in construction and in use, it is leading the way in what is achievable in terms of minimising carbon emissions and this scheme is now the benchmark by which we will measure all future Helical buildings. As the UK’s first building to be assessed as BREEAM Outstanding (2018) at the design stage and with significant smart building infrastructure to enhance operation and user experience, the JJ Mack Building is a truly sustainable choice for its occupiers.

Following completion, The JJ Mack Building was awarded final BREEAM certification receiving 'Outstanding' status and a score of 96.4% making it the highest rated building in the UK under the 2018 guidelines. 


sq ft



5 stars

Nabers Design for Performance Target Rating

Key information

  • Location
    London EC1
  • Type
    Office with ancillary retail
  • Architects
    Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands
  • Agents
    Knight Frank and CBRE
  • Space available
    Please visit
  • EPC Rating
  • Contact
    Rob Sims and Nikki Dibley


  • Winner
    London Construction Awards - Project of the Year - 2023
  • Winner
    OAS - City New Build - 2023
  • Winner
    SECBE - Digital Construction Award - 2021
  • Finalist
    Building Magazine - Project Of The Year - 2023
  • Shortlisted
    New London Awards - Best Workplace - 2023

Carbon Performance

The JJ Mack Building achieved an embodied carbon of 816kg CO2e per m2, 15% lower than the LETI current average design target. This means that both the materials and processes selected during the construction of the building were specifically chosen to minimise carbon impact. For example, the use of UK produced steel offered carbon savings via recycling, reuse and minimised transportation requirements, the use of Earth Friendly Concrete offered a 50% saving in embodied carbon over and above standard mixes and an intelligent approach to construction waste (the target at JJ Mack was not to exceed 7.5m2 of waste per 100m2 of GIA) minimised unnecessary material and packaging wastage which is a significant negative by product of construction activity.

Operationally, carbon emissions at The JJ Mack Building will be 52.8% lower than the regulated Targeted Emissions Rate as defined by Part L of the Building Regulations (2013). This means that the day to day impact of the building when occupied can be significantly minimised as a result of sustainable, intelligent and renewable technologies designed into the building such as sophisticated sensors to monitor energy usage and occupation, enabling consumption baselines to be set at building or floor level to minimise wastage and, when combined with data from occupancy monitors, to only provide power where it is required, eliminating unnecessary usage.

The roof of the building houses 144 photo voltaic panels, the energy from which is sent back into the grid thereby offsetting a portion of the on site power consumption.


Air Quality and Water

Superior air quality has been prioritised as a key part of the design of The JJ Mack Building with air quality sensors located throughout the building which transmit real time monitoring data directly to the BMS, with the data being viewable by occupiers on the bespoke building app and the in-building digital screens. Additionally, occupiers will enjoy an enhanced fresh air supply of 16 litres per second as well as segregated performance via high efficiency air handling and fan coil units, aiding in the reduction of emissions.

The building incorporates an intelligent and dynamic water management and recycling system. Linked directly to real time weather data, the building’s rainwater storage system “anticipates” a forecast of heavy rain and will alter its current capacity accordingly. The stored water will flow via gravity from the terraces and the green roof into the system. Greywater is also gathered from 90% of showers and 5% of taps. Both grey water and rainwater are then organically treated and recycled to feed all toilet flushing systems throughout the building. When combined with other design factors such as low flow and intelligent fixtures, the system as a whole can reduce potable mains water consumption at the building by up to 70%.



The JJ Mack Building was the first building in the UK to be assessed as BREEAM Outstanding (2018) at the design stage. This is an accolade that we are very proud of and looking to the future, we will strive to achieve BREEAM Outstanding on all new Helical projects.

The JJ Mack Building has an EPC rating of A, this is now our benchmark for all future Helical buildings.

We were delighted to win the SECBE Digital Construction Award 2021 in recognition of our approach to smart building technology.

The JJ Mack Building has achieved a Nabers Design for Performance Target Rating of 5 Stars in recognition of its energy performance and our commitment to achieve excellent energy efficiency in operation. Currently only awarded to 5 other UK buildings, this rating demonstrates the attention paid during design and construction to ensure that the building is a true market leader in terms of sustainable operation.

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The JJ Mack Building In Construction

Watch the development of The JJ Mack Building from January 2020 to completion in September 2022