Helical plc is pleased to announce the publication of its Net Zero Carbon Pathway, outlining its plan to become a net zero carbon business by 2030. The announcement follows a review of Helical’s operational and embodied carbon emissions and marks a significant acceleration of its sustainability ambitions.
Alongside its Pathway, Helical has also become a signatory to the Better Building Partnership (BBP) Climate Change Commitment. The Commitment requires signatories to publish net zero carbon pathways and delivery plans, disclose the energy performance of assets and develop comprehensive climate resilience strategies. It has an overarching objective to deliver net zero buildings by 2050 incorporating all investments, operational and embodied carbon and Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. The scale of these obligations makes it one of the most ambitious commitments property owners can adopt.
Helical will focus its efforts on decreasing operational carbon through energy efficiency initiatives and by procuring high quality renewable energy contracts. Likewise, with the support of Helical’s guide, “Designing for Net Zero”, the Company will reduce the embodied carbon of its development projects by applying the principles and initiatives outlined.
As part of Helical’s Pathway it has committed to the following targets;
- All assets to meet the UKGBC’s 2030 Target for Offices of 90 kWh/m2
- All new developments to meet a 600 kgCO2/m2 carbon intensity for embodied carbon
- Net zero carbon by 2030
Helical is well placed to achieve its net zero carbon goal. The Company has already undertaken significant efforts to optimise the performance of its current assets with all buildings having been refurbished or redeveloped in recent years. Furthermore, Helical’s portfolio is well placed to transition to net zero with 99% of its assets (by value) already compliant with the proposed legislative requirement that all rented commercial buildings achieve a minimum EPC of a ‘B’ rating by 2030.
Commenting on the announcement, Laura Beaumont, Head of Sustainability at Helical, said:
"Helical is passionate about tackling carbon emissions within the build environment, which we have demonstrated over many years, and that is why becoming a signatory to the BBP Climate Commitment is an important step for our business. Our Net Zero Carbon Pathway sets out our ambition to become net zero by 2030 for both operational and embodied carbon emissions. Furthermore, we are also committing to delivering all future developments as net zero carbon at the point of practical completion. Our Pathway details the steps we need to take to become net zero and will be instrumental in helping us achieve this.”
For further information:
Laura BeaumontHead of SustainabilityTel 020 7629 0113