Our environment
The built environment accounts for almost 40% of all carbon emissions. This is why, at Helical, we are committed to minimising our impact on the environment and championing the very best practices to tackle climate change.
- Net zero carbon by 2030
- Buy, use and re-use resources efficiently
Our performance
As a responsible business it is essential that we look to reduce resource consumption, both through our managed portfolio and our development projects. In order to understand our progress, it is important that we monitor and measure our performance. We report annually on our sustainability performance aligning to EPRA Sustainability Best Practice Recommendations guidelines.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), launched in 2017, encourages businesses to build resilience to the possible outcomes of climate change. We’re committed to acting on the recommendations of TCFD.
Helical considers climate change a principal risk to the business. In line the TCFD recommendations, we’ve committed to assessing and reporting on material climate change risks across our portfolio, ensuring we have the appropriate strategy and mitigation plan in place. We continue to make good progress incorporating the TCFD recommendations across our business, as outlined in the below extract from our Annual Report and Accounts.
BBP Climate Commitment
Helical are signatories to the BBP Climate Commitment which seeks to;
- leverage collaborative and tangible, strategic action on climate change;
- increase transparency and accountability enabling the market to operate and compete effectively; and
- provide clear ‘client’ demand for net zero assets, driving the industry to respond.
As a signatory, Helical are committed to embedding climate resilience across our portfolio which is aligned with the BBP’s own definition of a climate resilience.
The BBP define that a climate-resilient business has a strategy in place to:
- mitigate the worst impacts of climate change by becoming ‘net zero’ carbon before 2050
- adapt to operating in a world in which climate-driven disruption is more frequent and severe; and
- disclose climate-related information to investors, regulators and other stakeholders in a useful and timely way
Please refer to our latest Sustainability Performance Report and our TCFD Statement for more information on how we are addressing climate resilience.
Head of Sustainability
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges being faced by businesses. As a listed commercial property developer, we have a duty to drive transparency, accountability and responsibility in our reporting. By supporting the TCFD recommendations, we are actively demonstrating our commitment to being a sustainable business.