Corporate governance plays an important role in the strategic management of our business and it is through the alignment of stakeholder interests with management actions that Helical’s direction and performance is determined.
We have a comprehensive range of policies and systems in place to ensure that Helical is well-managed, with effective oversight and control.
Our Stakeholders
Promoting the long-term success of the Group, the wider interests of our stakeholders are considered in all aspects of corporate decision making at Helical.
Our Board of Directors
The Board of Helical is collectively responsible for providing effective leadership of the Company within a framework of controls and reporting structures which assist in pursuing its strategic aims and business objectives.
Board Committees
Our Board Committees are smaller groups with authority delegated by the full Board to deal with specific matters which are within the Board's remit. Each Board Committee is chaired by a non-executive Director.
Governance policies
Download our latest Group Policies, Procedures & Terms of Reference