Board committees
The Board delegates operational responsibilities to an Executive Committee and governance responsibilities to Nominations, Audit and Risk, Remuneration, Property Valuations and Sustainability Committees whilst retaining overall responsibility for the running of the Company.
Ensures there is a formal, rigorous and transparent procedure for the appointment and induction of new Directors to the Board, leads the process for Board appointments and succession planning (including the development of a diverse succession pipeline) and supports the annual Board evaluation process.
Committee members:
- Richard Cotton (Chair), Independent Non-Executive Director
- Sue Clayton, Independent Non-Executive Director
- Joe Lister, Independent Non-Executive Director
- Sue Farr, Independent Non-Executive Director
Assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by reviewing and monitoring: the integrity of financial information provided to Shareholders; the Company’s system of internal controls and risk management; the external audit process and auditors; and the processes for compliance with laws, regulations and ethical codes of practice.
Committee members:
- Joe Lister (Chair), Independent Non-Executive Director
- Sue Clayton, Independent Non-Executive Director
- Sue Farr, Independent Non-Executive Director
Assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibility to Shareholders to ensure that the Remuneration Policy and practices of the Company reward fairly and responsibly, with a clear link to corporate and individual performance, having regard to statutory and regulatory requirements.
Committee members:
- Sue Farr (Chair), Independent Non-Executive Director
- Sue Clayton, Independent Non-Executive Director
- Richard Cotton, Independent Non-Executive Director
- Joe Lister, Independent Non-Executive Director
Reviews the valuations of the Company’s property portfolio and reports to the Audit and Risk Committee on its findings.
Committee members:
- Sue Clayton (Chair), Independent Non-Executive Director
- Gerald Kaye, Chief Executive
- Matthew Bonning-Snook, Property Director
- Rob Sims, Senior Property Executive
Assists the Board in setting and monitoring the Company’s sustainability strategy, policies, targets and performance.
Committee members:
- Matthew Bonning-Snook (Chair), Property Director
- Laura Beaumont, Head of Sustainability
- John Inwood, Head of Asset Management
- Elliott Saunders, Senior Development Executive
- Matthew Redgrove, Development Executive
- Lois Robertson, Operations Manager
Assists the Chief Executive Officer in the performance of his duties and ensures that the Group’s strategy is implemented, subject to the limitations of authority set out in the Schedule of Matters Reserved for the Board.
Committee members:
- Gerald Kaye (Chair), Chief Executive Officer
- Tim Murphy, Chief Financial Officer
- Matthew Bonning-Snook, Property Director
- James Moss, Chief Operating Officer
- Rob Sims, Senior Property Executive